Alex Evink, MS, RD

Hello! I'm Alex Evink, Registered Dietitian (RD) for over 10 years and moderately messy mom to two girls. As a RD, I believe in evidence-based research - but I don't believe in perfection. My life can be pretty messy but I do my best to keep a balance that works for me and my lifestyle. I'm a foodie at heart, love Taylor Swift and read books in my free time.

A woman looking in the mirror for why you might having difficulty losing weight while breastfeeding main header image.

Why You Might Have Difficulty Losing Weight While Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding promises optimal nutrition for your baby, while also being cost-effective, convenient and supposedly weight-loss inducing. Sounds promising, right? Many moms strive to breastfeed their babies to provide them with all its’ benefits and the promise of losing those pounds quickly- but come to realize they have difficulty losing weight while breastfeeding. Sadly, this is […]

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