Often, throughout motherhood, our own health and wellness tends to take a backseat.
The term “moderately messy” is about finding a more balanced and sustainable approach to motherhood.
about me
Welcome! My name is Alex Evink, a Registered Dietitian (RD) on a mission to help other moms prioritize their health with a combination of evidence-based research and personal experience.
As a mom, I know that life with little ones can be chaotic.
Join me while we embrace the moderately messy- where it’s not about perfection, but striving for more balance and order wherever possible.
By Topic
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Improving the Gut Microbiome
Healthy, High Protein Recipes

Fitness content geared towards the busy mom – easy, convenient at-home workouts, simple ways to add physical activity to your day with kids, and my favorite trainers.

Evidence-based nutrition content to inspire other moms to prioritize their health through healthy eating, while exploring popular topics without all the misinformation on the internet.

Prioritizing your health isn’t just about nutrition and fitness- but taking care of your mental health and managing self-care.