
Prioritizing your health amidst the messiness of motherhood isn’t just about eating healthy or working out – it’s also managing your mental health and own self-care. This category is designed to discuss some of the mental aspects of prioritizing your health throughout motherhood.

Two girls in a shopping card with their backs facing the camera for tips to prevent stay-at-home mom boredom main header image.

12 Tips to Prevent Stay-At-Home Mom Boredom {and Burnout}

I always say being a stay-at-home mom often feels like Groundhog’s Day – reliving the same day over and over again. I’ve put together some of my favorite tips to help break up the monotony and prevent stay-at-home mom boredom {and burnout}. I have been a stay-at-home mom on and off for the past 5 […]

12 Tips to Prevent Stay-At-Home Mom Boredom {and Burnout} Read More »

Candles on a bedside table next to a sign that says self-care isn't selfish.

Prioritizing Self-Care For Moms (Because Self-Care Isn’t Selfish)

Prioritizing self-care as a mom isn’t a luxury – but a necessity. Yet still, self-care always seems to take a backseat due to the magnitude of responsibilities we are juggling and the crippling mom guilt.  Speaking to my friend, who is a therapist, I was surprised to find out that many moms don’t know how to

Prioritizing Self-Care For Moms (Because Self-Care Isn’t Selfish) Read More »

A child sleeping on a pillow.

How To Get Your Toddler To Sleep In Their Own Bed In 4 Steps

If you’re reading this post, you’ve come to realize that the sleepless nights don’t go away for good after the “baby phase”. In fact, I might argue that the lack of sleep with a toddler is worse than even the newborn period. Because of this, I have a lot of first-hand experience and have spent hours

How To Get Your Toddler To Sleep In Their Own Bed In 4 Steps Read More »

A glass jar of olive oil, avocados. and potatoes on a counter for high calorie foods for kids main header image.

16 High Calorie Foods for Kids & Simple Ways to Increase Calories

Navigating meals with picky eaters can pose quite a challenge. If you find yourself wondering if your child is eating enough or getting adequate calories, you’re not alone. In this post, we will go over 16 high calorie foods for kids and 5 simple ways to increase calories.  As someone with two picky toddlers, I

16 High Calorie Foods for Kids & Simple Ways to Increase Calories Read More »

Two feet stepping on a pink scale for losing weight after baby number 2 main header image.

Losing Weight After Baby Number 2: The Best Strategies to Try

Bringing a beautiful new life into the world is a joy like no other, but it often comes with a host of changes to your body. Losing weight after baby number 2 can be particularly challenging, as you have less time and more responsibility than the first time around.  The truth of the matter is:

Losing Weight After Baby Number 2: The Best Strategies to Try Read More »