Gut Microbiome

Evidence-based strategies with the potential to increase the variety and composition of your gut microbiome.

5 Dirty Soda Recipes {with Olipop}

5 delicious dirty soda recipes using Olipop to add some excitement and flavor to your day-to-day. These recipes are easy (all 4 ingredients or LESS) and provide over 9 grams of fiber to reach a higher overall fiber intake and increase the diversity of our gut microbiome! I’ve been seeing the dirty soda trend on […]

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A bunch of bananas, asparagus, tomatoes, and a bowl of yogurt for a guide to probiotics and prebiotics featured image.

Improving the Gut Microbiome: All About Probiotics & Prebiotics

Prebiotics and probiotics work together to create a more adaptive, resilient and diverse microbiome. This not only improves our gut, but has the potential for numerous health benefits throughout the body. In this ultimate guide to probiotics and prebiotics, I’ll attempt to answer all your burning questions: like what foods to consume, if you should

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A collage of fermented foods, fruits, vegetables, ancient grains and oily fish.

Hot Topics in Nutrition Actually Worth Trying

Social media is overflowing with misinformation and trendy nutrition advice that often promises magical solutions to all your problems. Which ones are truly worth considering? This post will explore 6 hot topics in nutrition that are scientifically proven to be worth your time and effort. These are topics that not only have ample evidence-based research

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Two lemon berry overnight oats with kefir in glasses on a lemon towel on a kitchen counter.

Lemon Berry Overnight Oats with Kefir {High Protein}

It’s no secret I love the convenience of overnight oats, and these are made with kefir- which has significantly more live, active cultures when compared to yogurt! Mixed berries are combined with fresh lemon juice for bright, refreshing flavors. Protein powder is added so it’s more filling, and the kefir helps to increase the diversity

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Peach Pineapple Kefir Smoothie

Kefir is an underrated ingredient – providing significantly more live, active cultures when compared to yogurt! If you’re looking for a different take on a smoothie, try this tasty and refreshing peach pineapple kefir smoothie. The benefits? A creamy, tropical beverage that increases the good bacteria in your gut and provides vitamin D! The kefir

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Bowls of cereal next to glasses of milk on a dining table.

9 Best Cereals for a Quick & Healthy Breakfast

Some days, you just can’t beat the convenience of a bowl of cereal for breakfast. However, cereal is often villainized as being “unhealthy” and not good for you! This is usually because some contain refined grains and a high amount of added sugars. If you know what to look for a breakfast cereal can, in

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Overnight oats topped with berries on a counter next to a bowl of berries.

20+ Delicious & Easy Overnight Oats Recipes

Overnight oats are the perfect vessel for a nutritious, filling and satisfying breakfast! Plus, if breakfast is already prepared it can make those busy mornings feel less overwhelming. The best part? The flavor combinations are endless! I’ve compiled over 20 overnight oats recipes and variations that can be prepared in less than 10 minutes. Seriously,

20+ Delicious & Easy Overnight Oats Recipes Read More »

The basil berry spritzer and lemon ginger kombucha mocktail in wine glasses on a wood cutting board garnished with a lemon on a table.

Light and Refreshing Kombucha Mocktails

3 simple, light kombucha mocktails that combine refreshing flavors and the power of probiotics! There are many potential health benefits of consuming kombucha. In my opinion, though, it just doesn’t taste very good! While these mocktails still have a distinct vinegar taste, they’re much more palatable than the drink itself. Why not have a delicious

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Three cans of various functional beverages on a grocery store shelf for functional beverages main header image.

Functional Beverages: Trendy or Worth a Try?

The functional beverage industry has exploded over the past few years. While energy drinks have been around for quite some time, there are now numerous drink options that provide more than just energy – with claims like improved gut health and a better mood. With more people limiting their alcohol intake and focusing more on

Functional Beverages: Trendy or Worth a Try? Read More »