
Evidence-based nutrition information regarding popular topics to help other moms prioritize their health through healthy eating. Posts designed to clear up any misinformation that seems to be all over the internet, as well as inspire other moms to prioritize their nutrition.

creamy garlic spaghetti squash with ground beef and peas main header image

How To Make The Perfect Creamy Garlic Spaghetti Squash

This creamy garlic spaghetti squash might be one of my favorite recipes of all time! Creamy, decadent, filling yet healthy and low in carbs. Not only is spaghetti squash low calorie and packed with nutrients but when cooked the right way it can very closely resemble the perfect al dente pasta.  I’m telling you this

How To Make The Perfect Creamy Garlic Spaghetti Squash Read More »

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Why You Might Have Difficulty Losing Weight While Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding promises optimal nutrition for your baby, while also being cost-effective, convenient and supposedly weight-loss inducing. Sounds promising, right? Many moms strive to breastfeed their babies to provide them with all its’ benefits and the promise of losing those pounds quickly- but come to realize they have difficulty losing weight while breastfeeding. Sadly, this is

Why You Might Have Difficulty Losing Weight While Breastfeeding Read More »