A Mom’s Guide to Prioritize Health Through Nutrition & Self-Care: 33 Page E-Book


Health and wellness often takes a backseat after becoming a mom. However, now that we have kids – our health should be more important than ever.

Living a (moderately) healthy lifestyle sets a good example to our children, while hopefully leading us to a longer, more fulfilling life – so that we are around for our kids for years to come.

Here’s the thing: nutrition is a topic that’s SO polarizing. There is always someone telling you what or how you should eat.
I’m gonna simplify it for you – based on science and research that I don’t think will be changing any time soon. This 33-page e-book  focuses on topics that have been proven to lead to a healthier lifestyle, weight management, and lower risk of chronic diseases. As a dietitian, I understand that there is no one size fits all when it comes to diet and nutrition – and parenting in general! So use this e-book a a guide based on your preferences and lifestyle. 
Here are just some of the topics and resources in this 33-page e-book:
— Importance of protein and how to prioritize it (with 4 sample meal plans)
— All about fiber, with high fiber foods list
— Healthy fats and omega-3 fatty acids
— Gut health
— Healthy eating practices, like mindful eating, Mediterranean diet, and building healthy, simple meals with sample grocery list staples, meal ideas, and more!
— Self-care tips to help find a better balance in your life, with weekly and daily checklist as well as a cleaning schedule.
My mission with this e-book is to help you:
— Reduce your risk of chronic diseases
— Model healthy behavior to your children
— Feel better about yourself
— Gain confidence
— Find a healthy balance in your lifestyle
Maybe you’re ready to start prioritizing yourself again, but you need some inspiration. Maybe you don’t even know where to start! This e-book was put together with a lot of care in hopes to help other moms find some balance in their lives. To inspire a healthier, happier lifestyle – even if it seems hard to do so.


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