Fun Ways to Workout With a Toddler for Quality Time & Fitness

A mom working out with her two kids, doing downward dog next to them.

As a mom of two toddlers, I am no stranger to trying to prioritize fitness with little ones. While I often attempt to workout while they are playing independently, this doesn’t always work out so well. Sometimes, I have to get creative and involve them as well! Let’s discuss some fun ways you can workout with your toddler – combining both quality time and fitness. 

Turning exercise into a playful and interactive experience can be enjoyable for you and your toddler. Not only will you scorch some extra calories, but you’re modeling that physical activity is a part of a healthy lifestyle. Here are some fun and creative ways to workout with your toddler. 

Fun and Creative Ways to Workout With Your TOddler

Dance Party

Create a playlist of your toddler’s favorite songs, turn up the music, and have a dance party! There are a few ways you can do this.
1) let your little one lead the way.
2) take turns making up dance moves that the other one has to copy.
3) you take control with your own thought out workout.

Turn the dance party into an effective cardio workout using some of the ideas below! My kids love to try and do some of the workout moves I do. Bonus tip: playing dress up can add excitement to this experience.

workout with toddler

Interactive Circuit Training

Create a mini circuit at home using age-appropriate exercises for your toddler to join in. Set up stations for activities like jumping jacks, mini hurdles, and crab walks. Move through the circuit together, making it a fun and interactive experience.

Mommy and Me Bootcamp

Invite other moms for a group workout either at your house or a local park. Each mom could take turns leading the group with workouts, or selecting which free YouTube workout to do for that day. 

Putting together a fun activity for the kids will help distract them so you and your mom friends can prioritize fitness (while socializing). 

Fun YouTube Channels for Kids

We’ve discovered some really fun videos on YouTube that my girls love to do, especially if I am participating. They can count for a decent cardio workout as well, as long as you keep your body moving. 

Another idea you could try: telling your kids it’s “mommy’s time to workout” – they can complete these YouTube videos while you are trying to complete your own workout as well. 

Here are some of our favorites!

Matthew Wood’s Brain Break Videos

Matthew Wood Brain Break Videos are so fun! My kids especially love Encanto Run and Olaf’s Escape Into Winter, but there are so many available. 

A lot of them give you a “mission” – with obstacles to get there! Run through forests, jump over hidden obstacles, duck down and avoid “things” falling on your head. They’re great distractions for your kids while also encouraging them to be active (especially in the winter). 

workout with toddler

Coach Corey Martin

Coach Corey Martin is another YouTube channel with creative and interactive videos. New ones are uploaded frequently. He has a wide variety of videos ranging from freeze dance songs, epic jump battles, and chase adventures. 

workout with toddler

Danny Go!

The Danny Go! channel is full of interactive, high-quality videos geared towards learning with music and dancing. 

workout with toddler

Mini Workouts Throughout The Day

If you’re a mom who feels like she doesn’t have the time for a longer, consecutive workout then short, mini workouts throughout the day may be just what you need. 

It might feel more convenient, and less overwhelming completing 2-3 exercises in a short amount of time throughout the day. Plus, research shows that adults are likely to experience similar health benefits from exercising in short bouts of activity accumulated throughout the day. 

Examples include squats and lunges in the morning while you’re making breakfast, push-ups during playtime, or wall sits during lunch. For more ideas, read this post on mini-workouts throughout the day

home vs gym workouts

Let Me Know If You Try One Of These!

Being a mom doesn’t have to mean sacrificing your fitness goals, it just might mean you have to find more creative ways to complete your workouts. These mom-and-toddler workout ideas not only promote a healthy and active lifestyle but strengthen the bond between you two. 

So grab your workout gear, enlist your toddler as your workout buddy, and embark on a fitness journey together!

Which idea will you try? 

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